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The Integrative Program for Aging Gracefully

  • Do you want to improve the quality of your life?



  • Do you want to slow the process of aging?


  • Are you suffering from a chronic disease?


  • Do you want to control your symptoms and disease?


  • Are you tired of taking a lot of medications?


  • Do you have low energy or fatigue?


  • Do you have low libido or symptoms of menopause?


  • Are you stressed, Anxious or Depressed?


  • Are you having memory loss issues?


If the answer is yes to any of these questions, then you can choose to improve your health and the quality of your life.


How can you age gracefully?


The process of Aging does not necessarily mean more pain, symptoms or disease. Prevention and wellness are the basic principles of aging gracefully.


The Integrative Program for Aging Gracefully empowers the patients to make changes in their lifestyles as well as incorporate non-conventional evidence based therapies to help them prevent disease and improve their symptoms without the use of too many prescription drugs and risk of adverse effects.

Are you Eligible?



About Dr. Nadia Ali

Dr. Nadia Ali is the leading physician for this program. She is board certified in  Internal Medicine and Integrative Medicine. She has completed a mini-fellowship in Geriatrics from Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Click here to know more about Dr. Ali




When Health is Absent,

Wisdom cannot reveal itself,

Art cannot become manifest,

Strength cannot be exerted,

Wealth is useless,

and Reason is powerless."


- Herophiles, 300 B.C.-



Program Components


  • Individualized Nutrition

  • Customized Physical Activity

  • Hormone balancing to prevent hormone related cancers in men and women.

  • Mind Body Techniques to improves stress, depression and anxiety.

  • Memory and cognitive function enhancement.

  • Strengthening the Immune  System.

  • Improving energy level


Program Duration


  • Initial session will be for evaluation of symptoms, diseases and setting of health goals. Duration of 60 minutes

  • Testing will be ordered if necessary according to the needs of the individual and its cost can be covered by the health insurance of the individual.


How to apply for the program?



You can apply online.


You can call us 610-363-3973


You can email us



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