Functional Holistic Healing
Functional Integrative Medicine Practice of
Dr. Nadia Ali

Webinar 2: Effects of Inflammation, Food and Stress on the Immune System

Our second video webinar on Saturday 18th April 2020 was conducted by Dr. Nadia Ali to discuss the conection between inflammation, and the immune system'. She explained how certain foods that we consume and our stress level directly impacts our ability to fight infections as well as strategies to control these variables. She was joined by Andrea Roche, a professional counselor, who specializes in addressing stress related to life events, anxiety, depression and ADHD. Below is the link to the recording of the webinar.
How does COVID-19 cause Inflammation?
How does our immune system react to COVID-19?
What is the connection between Inflammation and Immune System?
What are the foods that enhance Inflammation?
What are the foods that inhibit inflammation?
How to manage stress effectively?
How to stay positive in uncertain times
If you have additional questions, please contact email@theholistichealing .org or call 610-363-3973