Functional Holistic Healing
Functional Integrative Medicine Practice of
Dr. Nadia Ali
Webinar 3:Leaky Gut (Intestinal Permeability):the Root-cause of Chronic Diseases
Our next video webinar led by Dr. Nadia Ali will discuss leaky gut and how it is one of the most important root cause of chronic diseases such as heart disease and autoimmune conditions. We request you to register since seats are limited.
Date: Saturday May 16th 2020
Time: 4 PM EST
Venue: Zoom
What is Leaky Gut (Intestinal Permeability)?
What is the connection between leaky gut and Inflammation?
How does leaky gut lead to autoimmune diseases?
What is the role of leaky gut in Diabetes, obesity and heart disease?
Can Leaky gut lead to anxiety, depression and neurological disorders?
What are the causes of Leaky gut?
Can Leaky gut be reversed?
If you have additional questions, please contact email@theholistichealing .org or call 610-363-3973.