Functional Holistic Healing
Functional Integrative Medicine Practice of
Dr. Nadia Ali

Functional Holistic Healing Internship / Externship / Observership Checklist
All sections need to be completed. Photographs must be affixed to the application.
2. Copy of Passport (for international graduates and medical students) Copy of Passport (biographical page) and Visa page.
3. Fee:
Internship / Externship / Observership: Includes physician shadowing, clinical skill practice, mentoring, the opportunity to do research, and a letter of recommendation according to the candidate's performance. The research will not be limited to 4 weeks. It can be continued after four weeks. Fee for one week: $300, 2 weeks: $550, and $700.00 USD processing fee for a 4-week period of Internship / Externship / Observership payable to ‘Functional Holistic Healing’ in the form of cash, money order, traveler’s check, cashier’s check drawn from a US bank, or a credit card. Personal checks are permitted if they are from a U.S. bank. Elective fee is non-refundable and paid once the application is accepted.
Please scan and email items 1-5 as a single PDF file to Dr. Nadia Ali at
email @
Living Arrangements: Participants are responsible for supplying their own short lab coats (hip-length), meals, transportation, and living arrangements.
Questions may be directed to